Elders have a spiritual role in the church. They are called upon to develop leadership programs,teach, preach at ECCC conferences, church anniversaries, support ECCC in terms of increasing the church strength and health including church planting and emerging ministries.Elders are considered to be spiritual leaders by the pastors and also asked to serve as a moderator to represent and speak on behalf of the congregation.
An elder is a member in good standing of ECCC, meets the qualifications, and is ordained bythe Pastor. Those qualifications are:
“Elders are individuals of obvious spiritual quality and leadership who are mature, have sound judgment, have a proven record of accomplishment as lay or clergy members within the fellowship, and have successful experience in envisioning and strategic planning for our future.Elders are excellent communicators, skilled motivators and teachers, self-motivated and devoted to continuous learning. Additionally, elders are capable of understanding and working within sound fiscal guidelines, while being mindful of cultural differences. The Council of Elders reflects the diversity of ECCC.
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New York, NY 10001
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