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HeadingWeekly Schedule SERVICES HEBDOMADAIRE à l’église (in person)

Sunday / Dimanche 9-11:30am

Morning Worship Service Service d’Adoration

Wednesday / Mercredi 10am-12pm

Garden of Olives Prayer Service Jardin des Oliviers

Saturday / Samedi 10am-12pm

Bethel: Prayer Service Service de Jeûne et de Prière

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Weekly Prayerline Ligne de prière (Virtual)

Sunday / Dimanche 7:30-9pm

Evening Worship Service Service d’Evangelisation

Monday / Lundi 7:30-9pm

Prayer Service Les Virgilants

Tuesday / Mardi 7:30-9pm

Bible Study Etude Biblique

Thursday / Jeudi 7:30-9pm

Prayer Service Les Dévoués

Friday / Vendredi 9PM-12AM

Midnight Watch Veille de Nuit

What to expect

Worship God

Listen His Word

Pray for People

Be Charitable